Post & Finishing
3D Animation
Non-Linear Editing
Digital Signage
Broadcast CG
We take the final steps in post finishing
     by providing high quality visual
      effects solutions.
   We offer a wide range of 3D graphic and animation
      services for film, television, video and multimedia production.
  We finalize your video or movie with no overtime limitation.
   From concept to completion, Media Dimensions has a staff of
    creative editors and professional freelancers that will handle
    every phase of your production.
        Digital Signage is a worldwide multi-media advertising opportunity. You can easily target,
       engage and promote additional sales to your customers via Internet, intranet and/or cable TV.
     We have many creative solutions for you to attract, entertain and retain the interest of your
   specific demographic market.
             Media Dimensions provide a wide variety of professional graphics and titling products for linear
           broadcast and post-production environments.